Over the centuries, many religious organizations popped up which now becomes religious means of worship. One of these religions which got many scholars talking is Manechaiesm. What is Manechaiesm as a religion all about. Here in this little piece of article, we shall look forward to understanding what Manechaiesm is and who founded it.


Manicheism is a religion founded by Mane. It is undoubtedly a dualistic religious system that teaches about light and darkness, good and evil. This religion has (during its period) students or followers of which Augustine was a convert for 9 years. However, the purpose of this research work is to bring to limelight this religion, its founder, its influences and Augustine’s relationship with it.


Mane may be derived from “an archaic adjective Manus -good, which was the opposite of Immanis” (Web). Mani also called Manes or Manichaeus, “born April 14, 216 Southern Babylonia died 274 Khuzestan, Iran, founder of the Manichean religion, a church advocating a dualistic doctrine that viewed the world as a fusion of spirit and matter, the original contrary principles of good and evil respectively” (Web). Furthermore, prior to Manes birth, “his father Patel a native of Hamadan, had joined a religious community that practiced abstinence and baptism” (David 14). It was told that Manes got related to the Parthian royal family through his mother. Information about his life probably might have been taken from his writings or his church’s tradition. “It was definite that he might have been able to speak Aramaic and no other language. Twice as a boy and young man, he saw in a vision an angel, the twin who, the second time, called him to preach new religion” (Web). During his traveling moments and preaching his religion, it was told that he actually made first converts in India, subsequently in Persia. He might have gone far and wide in preaching and teaching his new religion, but it was settled that luck ran off his side at the end, that is, in his visit to the northern part of the Persian empire, “ under the reign of the Persian king Bahram 1, he was attacked by Zoroastrian priests and was imprisoned by the king at Belapet, where he died after undergoing a trial that lasted 26 days” (Web). 


To be a Christian, is to follow the Christian doctrine. This also applies to the topic above. To be a Manichean, is to take part in the doctrines and philosophy of Manichaeism, an old religion that put everything into good and evil. It means “duality”. This religion sort to account for the two kingdoms and their activities. In the confessions, “…this mixture of good and evil in the world was accounted for by the aboriginal existence of two kingdoms at war with each other: the kingdom of light, ruled by the good God and the kingdom of darkness, ruled by Satan” (14). On an easy phase, this religion preaches the existence of two powerful deities but limited in or within themselves. However, being limited, each of them sought for power or dominance. In their struggle, it implies that evil in the world came from the outcome of their fight or struggle. The researcher however, wishes to point out what their believes, views and main ideas are.From researches done, the Manicheans believe in dualism. Hence, their religion being dualistic, holds same their believe without any difference.In their views, there exist the idea of dualism too, that is, tending to look at things as having two sides that are opposed. However, one can say that life is divided neatly between good or evil, light or darkness or love and hate. Thus, at the thought of Manichaeism, think “two”.A key (main idea) point of Manichaeism is was that the powerful, though not omnipotent good God, was opposed by the power of darkness (devil). However, Manichaeism is a dualistic religion. Having looked at the above writings, it is good to take a look into its influences on Christianity and Islam.


Few scholars suggested that “Manichaeism continued to cause influences on Christianity through the doctrine of good and evil” (Web). Augustine of Hippo was converted from it and his writings continues to be enormously influential among roman Catholic theologians and philosophers. There are also relationship between Mani and Muhammed, the prophet of Islam. Here, “Mani claimed “the successor of Jesus and other prophets whose teachings had been corrupted by their followers. He declares himself as a Paraclete. Like Muhammed, he claimed to be the last of the Prophets” ( Michael 1). 


One might think how could Augustine a brilliant figure during this time be captured by a mere religion considered as a farrago of nonsense today? It was also said that Augustine was seduced by this religion for nine years. But in a nutshell, Augustine “born at Thagaste on the 12 of November 354, was attached to this religion because it sort to solve the problem of evil and its origin. A problem that preoccupied Augustine and some brilliant minds”(Web). Not only that, in the Confessions; “He may also have found plenty in their hymns and ceremonies that appealed to his sense of beauty, He also felt the strength of their appeal” (15). But it was told that Augustine later left in search of something else better which actual might have led to his conversion.


It might be said that Mani wanted to use his religion as a means of solving the problem of evil in the world. He sought to do that by using two different kingdoms as examples in arriving where he wanted. By this, Augustine found it pleasant that the religion attempted to solve the problem of evil. This entails that by the good God dominating, the evil will disappear. But good and evil, light and darkness still prevails as long as the two kingdoms are fighting.
