Uber/Bolt E-hailing companies to be regulated in Abuja through the introduction of Hybrid license coming 2022.

 The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Vehicle Inspection Office (VIO) says it will introduce a new hybrid licences for all app-based vehicle operators in the territory from February 2022.

Mr Wadata Bodinga, FCT VIO Director, said this during an FCT Transport Stakeholders Meeting on Tuesday in Abuja.

He directed that all electronic-hailing operators must convert their regular vehicle licences to hybrid licences.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that some of the e-hailing companies under this category are: Uber, Bolt, Rida amongst others.

Mr Bodinga disclosed that enforcement of the new directive would start from Feb.1, 2022 as the directorate would commence a free conversion of all operators from Nov.9 to Jan.31, 2022.

He said that because e-hailing vehicles were not conventional taxis, the VIO initiated the hybrid vehicle licensing to have the information of e-hailing drivers.

“We as an agency of government want to have an idea of the people operating these vehicles and not just us having the details of users.

“The licensing will give us the database to know those registered and those operating legally,” he said.

He said that a Driver Certificate Card (DCC) would also be obtained by all drivers after undergoing a one-day mandatory training at FCT Model Driver’s Institute or Lugbe VIO Office, Abuja.

“Voluntary enrollment for the DCC will commence from Nov. 9 to Jan.31, 2022.

“DCC requirements for the conversion are National Identification Number (NIN) and a valid driver’s licence.

“This will help us know the number of operators to promote efficiency,” he stated.

Mr Bodinga, however, said that drivers who fail to convert their vehicle licences to the hybrid type before February next year would have to pay for the conversion.

“It will be an annual payment that will not be exorbitant but there has to be a payment before they could be logged into the portal,” he said.

He further disclosed that to avoid permanent ban from operations in the FCT, all taxi drivers or anyone who wished to offer transportation services for hire or gain must obtain the FCT DCC.

“No taxi or bus will be allowed to operate in the FCT except those who fulfill the following; must have an authorised Side Number.
