Angie Liberation soap.

A social media influencer known to be Angela Nwosu who for a long period of time had posted about her spiritual products consisting on helping people discover their path successfully and financially, has reveal another of her product which she called "Liberation Soap". 

This soap made by Angela Nwosu tends to have solutions to most breakdowns as it name implies. However, it has been seen and understood that Mrs Angela Nwosu from her updates is a traditionalist. Hence, she puts much concentration on those traditional cum spiritual aspect of her being in creating what she believes to be best in her own point of view. 

According to her, "Spiritual food is what I know how to cook best. Angie spiritual homes, representing with pride". This comment spark up reactions from many as one referred to her as "my spiritual mama". She has come again with a liberation soap on sale for the sum of 50,000 naira which may be one of her best products as she anticipate results from the consumers of her product. #LiberationSoap.
